Post cover illustration Business

Product trio and risk mitigation: when three is definitely not a crowd

How you can make the most of your team and mitigate risks by having a product trio

Rhanna Andrade a 20 Nov 2023

3 min read

Post cover illustration Development

Design System and its code source migration: a brief logbook

The present blog post is a brief experience report from a source code migration from Javascript to Typescript. We expect the results to be more beneficial to you as your project relates to the Confetti project. The Confetti itself is an open-source prod

Juliana Barros Lima (Jules) a 06 Oct 2023

7 min read

Post cover illustration Development

Simplifying test creation with model-bakery

Simplifying test creation with model-bakery

Higor Vinicius a 23 May 2023

4 min read

Post cover illustration Business

Is it better to create your own system or use one that already exists on the market?

Buying a technological solution from the market or building from scratch is a common question that significantly impacts a company's operation. And how to choose? This text points out the main themes for this choice.

Vitória Melquiades a 11 Apr 2023

3 min read

Post cover illustration Development

Introduction to Visual Regression Testing

For component libraries, sometimes unit testing is not enough - we also need to check its visual rendering. This is an introduction to Visual Regression Testing.

Luciano Ratamero a 24 Mar 2023

6 min read

Post cover illustration Design

Startups and Design Debts: Who pays for this bill?

Startups frequently encounter the difficulty of rapidly creating products without having the expertise to design them correctly, and this can often lead to incurring "design debt". On this blogpost, learn how to prevent it.

Rhanna Andrade a 13 Feb 2023

3 min read

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