Posts tagged with

Post cover illustration Development

Tech Highlights #3

Periodically, our developers share what they are reading. We value knowledge sharing so in this blog post (written collaboratively) we bring you a compilation of articles with tips and recommendations that are on our team's radar nowadays.

Fernando Lins a 29 Aug 2024

2 min read

Post cover illustration Development

Tech Highlights #2

Periodically, our developers share what they are reading. We value knowledge sharing so in this blog post (written collaboratively) we bring you a compilation of articles with tips and recommendations that are on our team's radar nowadays.

Fernando Lins a 15 Aug 2024

2 min read

Post cover illustration Development

Tech Highlights #1

Periodically, our developers share what they are reading. We value knowledge sharing so in this blog post (written collaboratively) we bring you a compilation of articles with tips and recommendations that are on our team's radar nowadays.

Fernando Lins a 19 Jul 2024

3 min read

Post cover illustration Development

Simplifying test creation with model-bakery

Simplifying test creation with model-bakery

Higor Vinicius a 23 May 2023

4 min read

Post cover illustration Development

Why Internationalization and Localization matters

This post will discuss the definition of internationalization and localization, why they matter for your application, and how to implemented them in Python and Django projects.

Nicolle Cysneiros a 12 Aug 2020

8 min read

Post cover illustration Development

Who is afraid of Django admin?

An opinion on how django admin relates to your application and how the problems commonly attributed to admin can be caused by the code created.

Bernardo Fontes a 11 Apr 2019

4 min read